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Curran Nonclinical Consulting LLC

Inhalation Focused Nonclinical Pharmacology, Toxicology and Translational Research

About Me.

I am Aidan Curran, PhD, Principal at Curran Nonclinical Consulting.  I am a Physiologist by training, with expertise in pulmonary and cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology.  I have extensive experience in both the academic and professional worlds. 

I was awarded my PhD in Physiology from the National University of Ireland in 1995 and spent the next decade as an academic researcher and professor, predominantly at the University of Wisconsin and Dartmouth Medical School, focussed on sleep disordered breathing and sudden infant death syndrome.  While an academic, I was the recipient of several academic awards, including the Parker B Francis Fellowship and the Charles H Hood Fellowship.

In 2005 I entered industry and have worked at all stages of development including Discovery at Schering-Plough, Toxicology and Safety Pharmacology at Huntingdon Life Sciences and Non Clinical, Translational, early Clinical and Executive Management at Pulmatrix Inc.  

The majority of my career has been pulmonary-focussed, with a particular expertise in inhaled drug development, for both pulmonary and systemic indications.

Aidan Curran, PhD, Inhalation Toxicology, Nonclinical Translational Pharmaceuticals, Inhaled drug development, Pulmonary respiratory disease




I can oversee the design and management and auditing of your pharmacology and toxicology studies, as well as bioanalytical and translational biomarker  development, or build entire programs, up to Phase 1 and beyond. 



I can provide oversight and feedback on study reporting to ensure they meet required standards. I can also edit, review or author the nonclinical sections of your regulatory documentation and assist with regulatory interactions in the US and globally.



With a wealth of experience in Executive Management, I can help with mentoring of scientific staff, scientific due diligence for licensing or M&A activities, interact with investors and provide guidance on overall scientific strategy.

Get in touch

Selected Publications

Below is a selection of my published manuscripts, spanning my academic and industry careers.  In addition, I have presented data at numerous national and international conferences.


Review articles


Chapman, R.W., J.E. Phillips, R.W. Hipkin, A.K. Curran, D. Lundell, and J.S. Fine.  CXCR2 antagonists for the treatment of pulmonary disease.  Pharmacology and Therapeutics 121: 55-68, 2009.


Curran, A. K. and D. L. Hava. Allergic Diseases Caused by Aspergillus Species in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Antibiotics 10(4): 357, 2021.


Peer reviewed manuscripts


Curran A.K., K.D. O'Halloran, and A. Bradford.  Effects of superior laryngeal nerve section on ventilation in neonatal guinea pigs.  Respiration Physiology 101(1): 23-29, 1995.


Curran A.K., K.D. O'Halloran, and A. Bradford.  Ventilatory and upper airway muscle responses to upper airway CO2 in anaesthetized neonatal guinea pigs.  Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology 410: 449-452, 1996.


Curran A.K., P.R. Eastwood, C.A. Harms, C.A. Smith, and J.A. Dempsey.  Superior laryngeal nerve section alters responses to upper airway distortion in sleeping dogs.  Journal of Applied Physiology 83(3): 768-775, 1997.


Curran A.K., K.D. O'Halloran, and A. Bradford.  Upper airway cooling reduces upper airway resistance in anaesthetized young guinea pigs.  European Respiratory Journal 11(6): 1257-1262, 1998.


Eastwood P.R., A.K. Curran, C.A. Smith, and J.A. Dempsey.  Effect of upper airway negative pressure on inspiratory drive during sleep.  Journal of Applied Physiology 84(3): 1063-1075, 1998.


Eastwood P.R., M. Satoh, A.K. Curran, M.T. Zayas, C.A. Smith, and J.A. Dempsey.  Inhibition of inspiratory drive during sleep by high-frequency low-pressure oscillations in the upper airway.  J. Physiol (London) 517(1): 259-271, 1999.


Curran A.K., J.R. Rodman, P.R. Eastwood, K.S. Henderson, J.A. Dempsey and C.A. Smith.  Ventilatory responses to specific CNS hypoxia in sleeping dogs.  Journal of Applied Physiology.  88(5): 1840-1852, 2000.


Curran A.K., G. Chen, R.A. Darnall, J.J. Filiano, A. Li, and E.E. Nattie.  Lesion or muscimol in the rostral ventral medulla reduces ventilatory output and the CO2 response in decerebrate piglets.  Respiration Physiology.  123(1-2): 23-37, 2000.


Curran A.K., R.A. Darnall, J.J. Filiano, A. Li, and E.E. Nattie.  Muscimol dialysis in the rostral ventral medulla reduces the CO2 response in awake and sleeping piglets.  Journal of Applied Physiology.  90: 971-980, 2001.


Darnall RA, A.K. Curran, J.J. Filiano, A. Li, and E.E. Nattie.  The effects of a GABAA agonist in the rostral ventral medulla on sleep and breathing in newborn piglets.  Sleep, 24(5): 514-527, 2001.


Bu-Sha B, J.C. Leiter, A.K. Curran, A. Li, E.E. Nattie, and R.A. Darnall.  Spontaneous arousals during quiet sleep in piglets: a visual and wavelet-based analysis.  Sleep, 24(5): 499-513, 2001.


Curran A.K., D. Peraza, C. A. Elinsky and J.C. Leiter.  Enhanced baroreflex-mediated inhibition of respiration after muscimol dialysis in the rostral ventral medulla.  Journal of Applied Physiology, 92: 2554-2564, 2002.


van der Velde, L., A.K. Curran, J.J. Filiano, R.A. Darnall, D. Bartlett Jr. and J.C. Leiter.  Prolongation of the laryngeal chemoreflex after inhibition of the rostral ventral medulla in piglets: A role in the SIDS?  Journal of Applied Physiology, 94: 1883-1895, 2003


Curran A.K., L. Xia, J.C. Leiter and D. Bartlett Jr.  Elevated body temperature enhances the laryngeal chemoreflex in decerebrate piglets.  Journal of Applied Physiology, 98: 780-786, 2005


Curran A.K. and J.C. Leiter.  Baroreceptor-mediated inhibition of respiration after peripheral and central administration of a 5-HT1A receptor agonist in neonatal piglets.  Experimental Physiology, 92(4): 757-767, 2007


Curran, A.K., S. Skeans, D. Landers and R.W. Chapman.  The effects of dexamethasone on measures of proximal and distal lung mechanics in response to antigen challenge in allergic cynomolgus monkeys. Journal of Asthma, 45(5): 377-81, 2008.


Dragomir A., Y. Akay, A.K. Curran and M. Akay. Complexity measures of the central respiratory networks during wakefulness and sleep. Journal of Neural Engineering. 5(2): 254-61, 2008.


Anthes, J.C., R.L. McLeod, R.W. Chapman, Y. Jia, A. House, X. Fernandez, G. Diaz, J. Jimenez, J. Richard, H. Jones, G. Kelly, M. Natiello, A.K. Curran and J.E. Phillips.  Changes in upper and lower airway inflammation following administration of mometasone furoate in allergen-challenged rats.  Arzneim Forsch Drug Res 1: 13-20, 2009.


Richard W. Chapman, Aidan K. Curran, Aileen House, Jennifer Richard, Brian Salisbury, John C. Hunter, John C. Anthes and Jonathan E. Phillips.  Effect of mometasone furoate (MF)/formoterol fumarate (F) combination (MF/F) on late-phase responses in allergen-challenged Brown Norway rats.  Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 24(1): 67-73, 2011.


Ingram-Ross J.L., A.K. Curran, M. Miyamoto, J. Sheehan, G. Thomas, J. Verbeeck, E.J. de Waal, B. Verstynen and M.K. Pugsley.  Cardiorespiratory safety evaluation in non-human primates.  Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 66: 114-124, 2012.


Corboz M.R, Z. Li, V. Malinin, A.J. Plaunt, D.M. Konicek, F. Leifer, K-J. Chen, C.E. Laurent, H. Yin, M. Biernat, D. Salvail, J. Zhuang, F. Xu, A. K. Curran, W.R. Perkins, and R.W. Chapman. Preclinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Hexadecyl-Treprostinil (C16TR), a Pulmonary Vasodilator Prodrug. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 363: 348-357, 2017.


Hava, D.L., L. Tan, P. Johnson, A.K. Curran, J. Perry, S. Kramer, K. Kane, P. Bedwell, G. Layton, C. Swann, D. Henderson, N. Khan, L. Connor, L. McKenzie. D. Singh and J.A. Roach. A phase 1/1b study of PUR1900, an inhaled formulation of itraconazole, in healthy volunteers and asthmatics to study safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics." British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 86(4): 723-733, 2020.


Bergagnini-Kolev, M., Kane, K., Templeton, I. E. and Curran, A. K. Evaluation of the Potential for Drug-Drug Interactions with Inhaled Itraconazole Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling, Based on Phase 1 Clinical Data. The AAPS Journal 25: 62, 2023.


Bodie, S., Curran, A.K., Gonzalez-Nelson, A.C., Perry, J.M., Manning, D.C., Wasilewski, M.M., Safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of a single orally inhaled dose of PUR3100, a dry powder formulation of dihydroergotamine versus intravenous dihydroergotamine: A Phase 1 randomized, double-blind study in healthy adults. Headache: J. Head Face Pain. 64(6):643-651, 2024.








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